W30 W35 W40 W45 W50 W55 W60 W65 W70 W75 W80 W85 W90 (01/12 2024)
M30 M35 M40 M45 M50 M55 M60 M65 M70 M75 M80 M85 M90 M95 (01/12 2024)
11/23 Morning Clips 11/23 Afternoon Clips 11/24 Morning Clips 11/24 Afternoon Clips (10/12 2024)
The above clips are provided by Mr.Lau Hon Wah
溫馨提示,今年參賽選手年紀最大的分別是W90歲組的藍楊佩芳與M95歲組的何湛泉,他們兩位都有出戰100M的賽事,按分道表皆排在第八線,希望到時大家不忘為他們打氣!兩位長者可視為我們跑到百二歲的宏願的排頭兵,祝愿兩位順利完成,跑出佳績!23/11 2024
自古華山一條路,所謂苦口婆心,奉勸大家自今天起忘掉行街睇戲,放棄燈紅酒綠,拒絕豬朋狗友,將每一滴汗水,每一份精神,每一分體力都耗在運動場上,most of all, 更不要嘥時間玩面書!賽場上見過高低!(15/11 2024)
HKMAC 2024 is around the corner! If you see this text, means you are wasting time on facebook now, go get doing some training instead! As the participants this year is record high, one can assume that the competition will definitely be fierce! Do best as you can. Best of luck on the track! (3/11 2024)
Enrollment List
Lane List please check page THE 9th HK MASTERS(2024) shown on page column above.